Throughout Africa rhinos, elephants and lions are disappearing.
In Namibia they’re thriving – and so are the communities working to protect them.


more elephants today than in 1980


lions in Namibia today and the only country with a free-roaming population that is expanding outside of national parks


more rhinos today than in 1982, making Namibia’s the largest free-roaming population of black rhino in the world


Number of enterprises we have supported

IRDNC has played a leading role in this African success story since the very beginning.

Wildlife is one of Africa’s greatest resources and offers opportunities that could help lift millions out of poverty.
Yet wild animals are disappearing due to poaching and habitat loss across the continent. Namibia has taken a different road: our wildlife has more than doubled since the 1980’s, thanks to local community action.

Today we face new challenges, such as corruption and rapacious external markets for ivory, rhino horn and lion ‘parts’. As a pioneer of the community-conservation approach, IRDNC has never been more relevant.

What we do

IRDNC is helping rural communities benefit from managing and utilizing their natural resources sustainably.

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The impact

More than 43.5% of Namibia’s land is managed under conservation. Wildlife populations are recovering, and communities are benefiting from conservation.

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Our stories

Conservation that works begins with people. These are their stories.

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Namibia is the only country with an expanding free-roaming lion population outside national parks
Rhinos 3 x
more rhinos than in 1982
Elephants 3 x
more elephants than in 1995


Income to Communities Supporting Conservation in N$